Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Free Netregs Environmental Compliance Tools

Netregs the government funded environmental legal guide, has a newly updated tool for assessing what environmental legislation applies to your organization.
The tool will help you find out how to:

  • Comply with environmental legislation and assist in avoiding prosecution and fines.
  • Save money by using your resources more efficiently.
  • Improve your business' competitive edge

The interactive tool is a good start for anyone trying to develop or update an environmental legal register for ISO14001, or just trying to understand the complex world of environmental law.

How to use the tools:

Each tool will take you through a series of questions about your business. Your answers will generate a report containing environmental guidance relevant to your business. This will include guidance on the legislation that you must comply with and the permits, licenses and exemptions that you may need.  There are three tools looking at emissions to air, waste and water covering:

  • Emissions to Air
  • Burning fuels, burning waste, fuel oil, boilers, furnaces, kilns, nuisances, climate change.
  • Waste
  • Storing waste, transporting waste, duty of care, hazardous/special waste, food and catering waste, animal by-product waste, radioactive waste.
  • Water use and efficiency assessment
  • Discharges to sewer, trade effluent, surface water run-off, groundwater, water abstraction, impounding water.

For further information go to: