Tuesday, 16 August 2011

What are the differences between the old Level 4 NVQ and the new Level 5 NVQ Diploma?

The latest Occupational Safety and Health Practice NVQ standards (now called the ‘Level 5 NVQ Diploma in Health and Safety’ 3654-05) were developed with Proskills and other awarding organisations to replace the previous standard (3644-40) with effect from April 2011. This is part of a regular evolution of the standards, which takes place every few years in the same way as the periodic changes to driving tests.

The new standards are aligned with the new Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF), which is the framework for all recognised qualifications in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.  Qualifications are made up of units that are worth ‘Credits’.  The Level 5 NVQ Diploma in Health and Safety is worth 108 credits; each credit representing ten hours of work.

There are still ten Units, which are numbered 401, 501-508 and 601.  There have been minor amendments and changes to some of the ‘Assessment Criteria’ (formerly Performance Criteria) to reflect continual improvements, and these are available through the secure area of our website for enrolled candidates.

Candidates currently working towards the 3644-40 standard are assured that the qualification they are pursuing is at the same standard as the new Level 5 Diploma, and that when they have achieved their NVQ, they are eligible to apply to IOSH for Chartered Membership through the IPD route as previously.  There is no need to ‘upgrade’ from your current level 4 qualification to the new standard as some candidates have asked.  Candidates on 3644-40 should complete their work and have it assessed by 31 December 2013.

This summary provides the key changes to the NVQ qualification; you should contact your mentor should you have further questions.

Andrew Arkinstall CMIOSH
Centre Co-ordinator