It's a day to celebrate!
Operation Divine Wind is over and the Japanese whaling fleet is heading home early with a fraction of their quota! For eight years our friends at Sea Shepherds have obstructed the whale killers in the Southern Ocean, and we will continue to support them for another eight years if that is what it takes to end their illegal whale hunting.
As a result of these Antarctic Whale Defence Campaigns, nearly 3,500 whales continue to live and swim freely. This is all the motivation we require to support these campaigns in these remote, hostile, and terribly cold unforgiving seas.
Sea Shepherds says "We know that all of our efforts and success would not be possible without the incredible dedication and support from people like CRS all over the world".
"The Japanese whaling fleet has left the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary almost a month early and with an estimated 30% of their quota! Thank-you to everyone who has been a part of this valiant effort. This has been a tough campaign for us. We have endured the toughest weather we have ever seen in the Southern Ocean, and we suffered the temporary loss of our scout ship, the Brigitte Bardot, but we will not be deterred and we will not stop until whaling ends — the word 'sanctuary' actually means something to us. If the Japanese whalers return next year, we will launch Operation Cetacean Justice with four ships, two helicopters, four drones, and 120 volunteers."
Hong Kong Airlines
Thanks to the persistent efforts of Gary Stokes and several other activists, this is the last time you will see Hong Kong Airlines transporting dolphins or any other wild animals.
Hong Kong Airlines has released a public statement indicating it will no longer participate in the transport of dolphins and other wild animals. This action should send a message to all airlines that the consequences of transporting dolphins will result in global negative publicity and financial loss. Stopping the transport of dolphins will cripple the international dolphin trade and, in turn, stop the slaughter.
If you like whales and dolphins, support Sea Shepherds - click on their logo in our footer ribbon.
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