Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Consult with workers about time off

ACAS the organisation devoted to preventing and resolving employment disputes is urging employers to consult with workers about time off for the additional bank holiday to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.  The organisation says that as there is no statutory right to any bank or public holiday the extra bank holiday on 5 June does not increase any entitlement to holiday under the Working Time Regulations. So whether an employee will benefit from the additional bank holiday will be entirely dependent on the wording of their contract, and the discretion of their employer. For example a contract which entitles a worker to 20 days annual leave in addition to all statutory, bank and public holidays, would potentially give the worker an extra day's paid holiday. Some contracts will state the number of bank or public holidays they are entitled to, but if public holidays are listed by name, in a contract, it could be trickier. As this additional bank holiday is in the same week as the Monday bank holiday, employers may find they have an increase in requests for time off during the rest of the working week. Employers may wish to consult with workers about any arrangements for the additional public holiday as planning and good communications may reduce the risk of absenteeism and other issues around taking time off.

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