If you are in the forces and are planning to leave the
service (Service Leaver) in the next couple of years you are probably eligible
for Enhanced Learning Credits (ELC)
The ELC scheme provides financial support in the form of a
single up-front payment of £2000 per annum (1st April to 31st
March- depending on length of service) in each of a maximum of three separate
financial years. The Scheme is based on the principle that individuals will
make a personal contribution towards the cost of their learning. The ELC
contribution may be up to 80% of the gross course value. ELC funding is
available only for courses that result in a nationally recognised qualification
at level 3 or above.
The 1st of April sees the release of the New ELC
allowances for 2014/15. If you have already used your allowances for 2013/14
then now is a good time to take stock of what other courses will help you to
secure employment and help with your career development for 2014/15. You can
book now for courses to start after 1st April 2014. Our course
calendar has been updated and course dates are now available up to June 2015.
Take a look at our website http://www.crsrisk.com/mod
or call Ros Stacey on 01283 509175 for more help and advice on our
special reduced rate packages which will give you a good career start in
civilian life. Remember you have up to 10 years to claim so if you have already
left the forces and not yet claimed, make 2014 the year in which you do claim.
If you don’t claim you could lose the allowance.
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