Corporate Risk Systems Ltd (CRS) are pleased to announce that the MOD have now approved over 20 Health Safety & Environmental Training courses and course packages currently offered at 10 CRS training venues across the UK from Edinburgh to Southampton. Ros Stacey UK Sales Director and MOD account manager at CRS said “This is really exciting news, we have for over eight years been offering Health Safety & Environmental Accredited training course packages to forces and ex-forces service personnel, and during this time we have been asked to improve our offerings encompassing better packages and special deals for this market.” CRS has just added a NEW course package ‘NEBOSH National General & Construction Combined course, this course will be on offer from January 2015 and will save over £600 for each service leaver who wishes to book this package.
With HS2 creating over 14000 jobs in Birmingham and an array of new construction works due to commence in Hull over the next two years this course package is certainly one to be considered.
All courses and course packages are approved for ELC (Enhanced Learning Credits) funding and are run throughout the year. The CRS new course calendar will be appearing on our website shortly. You can find all the information on the approved courses at or visit to book online using our newly automated system. If you prefer the personal approach give Ros a call on 01283 509175. If you have already left the forces but still have funding get in touch we can help, you do have 10 years to claim after you have left forces employment.
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