Collaborating with other nations to combat climate change and the
release of a new Energy Bill to increase energy security in the UK were
among the key announcements in the first all-Conservative Queen's Speech
since 1996.
In the presence of MPs, peers and other dignitaries
in the House of Lords, Queen Elizabeth II today (27 May) set out the
government's legislative plans for the year ahead, marking the official
State Opening of Parliament.
The Queen gave just two mentions of
energy and the environment in her 10-minute speech, to the
disappointment of green groups and sustainability professionals alike.
Queen Elizabeth II reads out the speech written for her by the Prime Minister's team
First, she said "measures will be introduced to increase energy security," and later she stated that the
new Tory Government
"will seek effective global collaboration to sustain economic recovery
and to combat climate change - including at the climate change
conference in Paris later this year."
Energy Bill
On energy security, the Conservatives have issued a
new Energy Bill which aims to "ensure there will be affordable and reliable energy for businesses and families."
Energy Bill - just one of a 28-Bill package announced today - proposes
to formally establish the Oil and Gas Authority (OGA) - an independent
regulator "charged with the asset stewardship and regulation of domestic
oil and gas recovery".
The new Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change,
Amber Rudd,
would see her existing regulatory powers transfered to this new OGA,
but her regulatory functions in relation to the environment would not be
On renewable
energy, the Energy Bill also contains a clause handing local authorities
“consenting power” for all onshore wind applications.
the impact of such a change may be negligible, given that local
authorities already have these powers for wind farms below 50MW - there
are just two operational wind farms in England with more than 50MW
capacity, and the changes are expected to affect only one planning
The full Energy Bill document goes on to state that the commitment to end new subsidy for onshore wind farms -
as reiterated by Rudd earlier this month - will be delivered separately, and DECC will be announcing measures to deliver this soon.
Climate change
background notes to the Queen's speech elaborated: “A global deal is the only way we can deliver the scale of action required.
most cost effective and competitive way to achieve this is an
international, legally binding, rules based agreement covering every
The Government document argued that a global deal is
strongly in the UK’s interest because it will “create new opportunities
for our low carbon industries.”
It also claimed that the UK needed
to avert the direct threats of climate change - such as floods and
heatwaves - as well as the indirect threats such as "rising costs and
regional instability".
The document continued: “There is
widespread support from business, NGOs and the wider public both in the
UK here and internationally.”
Head of Environment commented ‘Climate Change and the environment
continues to be part, if only a small one, of the Governments agenda.
The Queen’s speech and upcoming changes to ISO 14001 later this year lay
out the landscape for organisations for the short to mid-term; making
now an ideal time to develop a clear strategy for environmental
improvements for organisation.’ CRS offer a broad range of courses such
as the
NEBOSH Environmental Certificate, for those looking for a strong environmental management understanding, the
IEMA associate Certificate for those wishing to develop into an Environmental Practioner or workforce courses such as the
CITB SEATS or CIEH Environmental Principles short course. Please call Stephen Armishaw or David Hancock-Dexter on 01283 509175 or email for more information.
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