On Friday 29th May Stephen Mullenger collected the coveted CRS NVQ Level 5 Diploma Candidate of the Year 2015 Award at a special presentation held at Sahara Force India F1, Silverstone and was attended by delegates from various sectors including Construction, Manufacturing, Emergency Services, Police and the food industry . Stephen who was nominated by Martyn Grant our Head of Distance learning said “Stephen started his NVQ in OHSP in August 2013 and completed in October 2014. During this time he was employed by Thames Valley Police (TVP), the largest non-metropolitan police force in England & Wales, who employ in the region of 10,000 staff and volunteers. Stephen has the responsibility for the Health & Safety of the more operational side of policing within TVP including work activities such as; surveillance , crime scene investigation , CID, firearms licencing and many other high risk areas. In addition to holding down this extreamly busy post he has completed the qualification to a high standard and within a respectable timeframe.
Stephen was presented the Award by Lisbeth-Faye Strutt – Business Manager for City & Guilds. On receiving the award Stephen said “I would like to say thank you to CRS for nominating me for the totally unexpected award, it is very much appreciated. I would also like to thank my assessor Martyn Grant, I could not of completed the NQV without his encouragement and expert guidance throughout the 14 months it has taken me to complete the diploma.
About 18 months ago I attended an NVQ seminar and was sat exactly where you are now and wondered if I could commit to such an undertaking. I questioned myself whether I had the ability and determination to complete the NVQ. I found the most difficult part was to make the decision to commit and enrol on the course. Once I overcame this personal hurdle I found the remainder of the course relatively easy to complete and as I successfully completed each module, my confidence went from strength to strength as my knowledge and understanding of the subject developed. If you think this NVQ is right for you, I would advise you to enrol as soon as possible and in no time at all you could be in my position here today accepting this award.
May I take this opportunity to wish you all good luck and reiterate my gratitude to CRS and a special mention to Ros Stacey for arranging the special presentation of this award today”.
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