Headline results
Household recycling has increased The proportion of household waste sent for recycling, composting or reuse between January to December 2011 in England was 42.9 per cent, increasing from 41.5 per cent in the financial year April 2010 and March 2011.
Household waste generation has decreased The generation of household waste continued to decrease between the financial year 2010/11 and the rolling year January to December 2011, with a 0.9 per cent reduction to 23.2 million tonnes.
Waste generation per person has decreased The weight of household waste generated in the year January to December 2011 in England, in kilograms per person, was 445 kg per person. Of this total, 191 kg was recycled, composted or reused whilst 254 kg was not.
Local authority collected waste sent to landfill has declined The tonnage of local authority collected waste being sent to landfill by local authorities has decreased by 11 per cent to 10.1 million tonnes between the financial year 2010/11 and the rolling year January to December 2011.
Corporate Risk Systems’ Head of Environment Richard Ball, commented ‘ it is clear that recycling and reduction is becoming embedded into the British Culture, business need to recognise the financial, moral and legal benefits of effective waste management. ‘
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