Tuesday, 29 October 2013

More than 1,100 construction sites fail safety checks

Poor standards and dangerous practices were found at nearly half of the building sites visited during a month long safety drive in September 2013. During a nationwide campaign, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) visited 2,607 sites where refurbishment or repair work was taking place. Inspectors found basic safety standards were not being met on 1,105 sites.  On 644 sites, practices were so poor that enforcement action was necessary to protect workers – with 539 prohibition notices served ordering dangerous activities to stop immediately and 414 improvement notice issued requiring standards to improve.
The most common problems identified included failing to protect workers during activities at height, exposure to harmful dust and inadequate welfare facilities. Heather Bryant, HSE’s Chief Inspector of Construction said:
“It is disappointing to find a significant number of sites falling below acceptable health and safety standards, where our inspectors encountered poor practice this often went hand in hand with a lack of understanding. Through initiatives like this we are able to tackle underlying issues before they become established and we will continue to work with the industry in an effort to drive up standards. However those who recklessly endanger the health and lives of their workforce can expect to face tough consequences.”
During the month, inspectors made unannounced visits to construction sites to ensure they were managing high-risk activity, such as working at height and the control of exposure to harmful dusts.  Inspectors were also looking for good site order, sound structures and basic welfare facilities.
Better construction HSE training provides an opportunity to get things right before inspection or enforcement action.  You can read more about our recommended construction courses and other services at http://www.crsrisk.com/construction_cdm Or for more about the HSE initiative, including examples of good and bad practice discovered by HSE inspectors during the campaign, see the online ‘Safersites’ webpages at: http://www.hse.gov.uk/construction/campaigns/safersites/index.htm

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