Delegates from Transport for London, Biffa Waste, Ministry of Defence, Freightliner, Casepak and many other blue chips companies where among the audience at an ‘Environment Legislation Update’ seminar held by CRS earlier this week at Sahara Force India F1, Silverstone. The event was designed to help Environmental Managers/Advisors and their organisations to understand the many new pieces of Environmental Legislation some of which comes into force as early as January 1st 2015. The agenda included Carbon Reduction Commitment – ‘annual reports to be submitted by the last working day of July’. The Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2011 – applies from January 1st 2015, The event gave an overview of the benefits of an Accredited EMS System such as ISO 14001 and gave the audience the latest update on the new changes which come into effect in 2015.
Environmental Consultancy and Support
Corporate Risk Systems has a team of sector leading specialists ready to help you. Whether you are struggling to understand the ever-growing requirements of environmental legislation, need to implement a management standard such as ISO 14001, or looking to re-energise an existing environmental management system, we can support you.
We offer a wide range of Environmental Consultancy services including, audits, environmental management systems implementation and support, issues based guidance in areas such as waste management, carbon foot printing, and Corporate Social Responsibility, as well a broad range of training to support Management, Workforce and those seeking to become an Environmental Practioner.
Contact either Ros Stacey – rs@crsrisk.com or Richard Ball – Head of Environmental rb@crsrisk.com – 01283 509175
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