Original article [here]
Dear Editor,
I was disappointed that the social housing company in Salford referred
to ‘health and safety concerns’ as the reason for asking residents at
Rialto Gardens to remove decorative flower pots lining a communal
footpath next to their homes (Manchester Evening News, 28 August 2014).
Whatever the real reason for Salix Homes needing to do this, I assure
you there is nothing in health and safety legislation that requires it.
In fact, our Myth Busters Challenge Panel has considered several similar
cases where we have made it clear that this is not a health and safety
Here at the Health and Safety Executive, we encourage people
to challenge when they are told ‘health and safety’ stands in the way of
something. Invariably it is used as a ‘catch-all’ to hide something, or
because it is easier than explaining the real reason.
This must
stop, because it detracts from the success of a 40-year-old piece of
legislation – the Health and Safety at Work Act – that has drastically
reduced the number of people killed or injured as a result of work
activity. Health and safety saves lives; it doesn’t stop you living one.
Judith Hackitt
Chair of the Health and Safety Executive
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